Product and Solutions
September 2015 http://www.datafacts ... acking=427
Assessment Screening
Data Facts provides easy to administer, inexpensive, and very effective assessment testing. Employers gain insight into core values, behavior, and the applicant’s character, allowing them to weed out undesirable candidates earlier in the process, which saves time and resources.
Criminal Records History Search
Data Facts offers 5 types of criminal history searches, and returns 7 year felonies and misdemeanors, with current date and nature of offense, current status, and disposition. A thorough criminal history search protects the workplace from dangerous employees.
Credit Reports
Data Facts returns single bureau reports which provide number of current and delinquent accounts, suits, judgments, liens, and bankruptcies. Credit reports help determine if the applicant is suited for a financially responsible position, and reduce the chance of hiring the wrong applicant.
Drug Screening
Data Facts has built strong vendor partnerships to provide comprehensive on and off-site drug screening options. Employers can choose from a variety of products for their drug screening process. Drug screening reduces turnover, improves workplace safety, and enhances productivity.