Four Tips to Energize Your Company's SAAS Marketing
Four Tips to Energize Your Company’s SAAS Marketing
Effectively marketing your SAAS system poses multiple issues for even seasoned marketing professionals. What works? What is a waste of time? Which tactics do we employ? Failing to work out the answers to these questions causes big problems down the road.
When it comes to SAAS marketing, understanding the goal of attracting, closing, and retaining clients is half the battle. From there, it's easy to get mired down in details and actions that don't produce adequate return on investment (ROI). Avoid this by following these four tips to energize your company’s SAAS marketing.
Develop a keen understanding of your targets.
Aiming for the top is great, unless your customers are to the left. Effective marketing demands a thorough comprehension of your specific buyers, their needs, and pain points. Take time to familiarize yourself with these, and create strategies around this foundation of knowledge.
Make it a breeze to sign up as a customer.
Veer away from complex processes in the buyer's cycle like you avoid the guy in the park with the flu. Fuzzy calls-to-action, wordy landing pages, and lengthy lead capture forms make leads run, not walk, away from you directly to your competitors. Aim for clarity, conciseness, and irresistibility.
Keep an eye on your key numbers.
The highest numbers don't automatically mean your SAAS marketing initiatives are successful. It's all about the quality of the key performance indicators. Are you capturing solid leads? Do you maintain a strong lead-to-close ratio? Is your ROI anemic, in line, or off the charts? Smart marketers analyze the numbers AND the underlying meaning so they can build measurement standards that work.
Offer value first.
Devise a plan to set your organization apart as a trusted industry leader. This means content. Sit down and create a content plan that shares informative, relevant information to your audience. Educate them on industry standards, and address their biggest pain points. Valuable, engaging content leads prospects to you faster than other traditional marketing.
Effectively executing SAAS marketing takes an investment of time, skill, and commitment. Embracing these four tips lays the groundwork of success, and moves your company toward a rewarding outcome. Strategically cultivating and implementing a high-performing plan increases client acquisition and boosts ROI.